5 Proven Tips to Boost Your Mental Well-Being

If you are one of the 81% of workers who say that workplace stress impacts their mental health, we have 5 strategies for enhancing mental well-being to boost your workday bliss!

Mental health is not just about being happy and feeling good, it’s about thriving in all aspects of your life. Being stressed at work can prevent you from performing at your best, working well with your coworkers, and getting your work done on time. This can lead to more stress – which turns it into a vicious cycle. 

Here are 5 proven strategies to transform your mental health and feel your best at work.

Set Boundaries

This can be a challenge for those of us who hate saying no. However, boundaries are critical for us to protect our peace, preserve our energy, live up to our own values, and prevent burnout. Here are some ways you can start setting boundaries at work: 

  • Stop checking your email outside of work hours
  • Do not work on the weekends
  • Say no to unrealistic projects and deadlines
  • Speak up if you are not comfortable doing something

This can feel really intimidating, especially for people pleasers! You don’t have to start setting all these boundaries immediately. Start with something small and work yourself up. 

Prioritize Exercise and Nutrition

We all know that exercise and nutrition are good for our health – let’s take a closer look at the research. 

  • Research suggests that exercise is effective at reducing symptoms of depression.
  • A study found that participants who had worse heart health and muscle strength were 98% more likely to be experiencing depression and 60% more likely to be experiencing anxiety.
  • Adults with high stress are less likely to say they exercise weekly than those with low stress. 
  • A research review found that increasing fruit and veggie intake was related to positive psychological health. Additionally, eating vegetables every day was associated with reduced depression symptoms.
  • Another study found that the Mediterranean diet (which is high in fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, and healthy fats) was associated with improvements in depression symptoms. 

The research is pretty clear – regular exercise and proper nutrition can have huge impacts on your mental health! The key is to find a routine that you can maintain and support your individual needs. Exercise doesn’t have to mean doing intense workouts. Daily walks and yoga can still have amazing benefits on your mental health. Also, find ways to meal prep and make nutritious foods more accessible throughout the week so you can fuel your mind with the nutrients it needs to thrive. 

Take Breaks

It may seem counterintuitive to take a break to get more done- but it works! When you try to power through when mentally drained, it’ll be harder to focus, you’ll make more mistakes, and it’ll take longer to get things done. Instead, taking consistent breaks throughout the day will allow you to be more efficient when you sit down to work. Taking a day off and limiting the number of hours you work each day can help with this too!

Here are some more benefits of taking breaks:

  • Increased creativity
  • Less burnout
  • Improved mental health
  • Better concentratin
  • Reduced decision fatigue
  • Increased job satisfaction

Put Time and Energy Into Things That Make You Happy

Don’t let work become your entire life. Whether you love your job or hate it, it is important to put time and energy into things that you enjoy. This can be taking time to learn a new hobby or practicing an old one. It can help you reduce stress, boost your confidence, be creative, and recenter yourself. It is also important to foster your relationships outside of work, including the one you have with yourself. Prioritize time with the ones you care about and set time aside to do things for YOU. This will leave you feeling happier and fulfilled. 

As Noel Gallagher once said, “don’t live to work, work to live.” 

Ask For Help

You don’t have to do it all on your own. If there is a project or deadline you are struggling with and you need help reaching it, ask for help. If you are really struggling with your mental health and need support, ask for help. It is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and heightened self awareness to know your limits. 

Mental health should be one of your top priorities because it impacts every aspect of your life. These strategies will not only help you at work, but also in your personal life. Make it a goal to implement one of these strategies this week. Start small and slowly start adding more mental health boosting habits to your lifestyle. 

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