Tag: Healthy Lifestyle


How to Gain or Maintain Wellness Success

Here at B.Komplete, we strive every day to make Wellness Success achievable. But what exactly is Wellness Success? Depending on your health goals, Wellness Success can mean different things to different individuals. We’ve created this guide for Maintaining – or Gaining -Your Wellness Success to help you achieve your vision of wellness, and […]


The Best Foods to Eat in the Winter

Winter means colder temperatures and less hours of daylight. With more time spent inside and little exposure to sunlight, it can become a challenge to stay happy and energized. Because of this, it is crucial to stay focused on the nutrition choices that work for you during this time of […]


Interview: Your Time is Now

B.Komplete had the opportunity to speak with Dave, who is a professional in the food industry.  Dave is happily married with two children.  Like many of us, Dave started gaining weight in his 30’s, and found himself in a state he didn’t feel great about.  And, then Dave made a […]


How to Start a Vegetarian Diet

Type “vegetarian diet” into your favorite search engine and you are guaranteed to see a plethora of news articles, medical journals, lifestyle blogs, and social media sites filled with suggestions.  Let’s keep it simple – condensed results for you in an easy-to-follow article: First, let’s review the benefits.  Switching to […]


How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle When Busy

Tips to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle Keep healthy breakfast and snack options at work Everybody has those occasionally late days; avoid that unhealthy pastry from the coffee shop by keeping healthy food options at work. Keep instant oatmeal topped with nuts or a banana with some peanut butter on hand […]