With Summer right around the corner, Health Fair season is upon us. A health fair is an event where an array of health information is provided to the public. Corporate health fairs are a great way to promote health and wellness to your company in a fun and interactive way for all employees. Everyone, from the CEO to those in entry-level positions, experiences stress and distractions at work. Corporate wellness programs, health fairs included, can provide insightful, educational, and collaborative experiences and activities to help counteract those overwhelming feelings.

Planning a Health Fair
There are many steps when it comes to planning a health fair for your company. Start early. Establish a date, time-frame, and location for the health fair. A budget must be developed, and the focus of the health fair, as well as goals and objectives, need to be determined. Many businesses choose to put on a health fair for their employees once or twice a year. Depending on the company, they can be held during business hours on a week day, where others are arranged to be set up on the weekends so that families can participate as well. Companies may also choose a specific theme for the health fair.
It is essential that your health fair is innovative and fun, and gets your employees excited to attend. To achieve this, think outside the box for the vendors and sponsors that you would like present at your health fair. Some ideas include: Whole Foods, a Local Farm Share , Community Volunteering Programs , Local Meditation Centers and Local Fitness Centers. Offering healthy snacks, raffle items, on-going trivia, and other incentives will encourage participation and help to increase motivation. If your company currently provides a wellness program for employees, the health fair is a great place to recognize and encourage employees who are actively participating in regular wellness programs. Your health fair is a great place to continue to advertise all of the positive effects of corporate wellness programs for your company.
Most importantly, the demonstrations and activities comprising your health fair need to enhance learning and appear exciting for your employees. This can be done through hands-on learning, games, and/or demonstrations.

Examples of wellness services in B.Komplete Health Fairs include:
- Chair Massages
- Health Screenings
- Yoga/Exercise/Pilates Classes
- “Ask an RDN (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist)” Tables
- Wellness Awareness Stations
- Group Acupuncture Sessions
- Custom Gift Baskets
- And more
B.Komplete offers a wide selection of Health Fair programs that we offer as part of our corporate wellness offerings. Our a la carte options and can be used successfully at your health fair. Our focus areas for Health Fairs include Nutrition, Exercise, Disease Prevention and Stress Management. When you choose B.Komplete, we will provide all of the management, organization, marketing, information and staff for you for your health fair; it is our job to make your job a bit easier – and your health fair a success!

Lastly, promote, promote, promote!!! It is crucial that your employees are aware of and have a reason to be excited for the company health fair. Send email announcements (at least 2-3 months in advance, and continue to send right up to the event), decorate bulletin boards, organize a desk drop…make it fun! And remember the power of in-person announcements, as well as C-Suite participation in the events.
Here at B.Komplete, we specialize in helping companies implement and manage their corporate wellness programs. It does not matter to us what your company decides, B.Komplete accommodates each clients’ needs in order to put on the best wellness events possible for each client. Contact us now to discuss our health and wellness fair options, and schedule your fair!