Author: b.komplete


8 Best Ways to Drive DEI in Your Workforce

We all know how important it is to have a diverse workforce, provide equitable treatment, and ensure everyone is included. But, how do you make this your workplace reality? The B.Komplete Team reviewed evidence-based research and reputable websites to put together a list of the most important factors to consider.  […]


What are the 8 Pillars of Wellness?

We all are looking for ways to feel great and live the best life possible. Sometimes health and well-being becomes too complicated, and feels like too much extra work. The wellness movement of the 21st century is shaped by 8 distinct pillars or dimensions of wellness. The pillars of wellness […]


How to Eat Like a Dietitian – 5 Tips

Eating a healthy diet has a huge impact on employee health and work performance. Finding ways to “eat like a Dietitian” and incorporate healthy eating habits into your daily routine, will encourage your employees to do the same. And this will greatly benefit your workforce with:  However, there is so […]


Social Media and Mental Health

You wake up, scroll through instagram and see friends having a great time, then a few minutes later, you head over to Facebook and see your new coworker got a new job promotion (congrats to them!) However, how is all this scrolling through various social media platforms affecting your mental […]


How to Get the Best Night’s Sleep

We all know that getting enough sleep is important and that 8 hours of sleep is what we should aim for. But exactly why do we need that much sleep? And what happens if we don’t get that? More importantly, what can you do to get better sleep?  Now, most adults need […]